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  • jess67079

Lino Printing

They're here! I am finally ready to reveal my 2 new printed wall hangings: Aurora and Equinox.

Sun printed onto cotton

This first release is limited to just 5 of each of the prints with embroidery. These are available to buy in my online shop here.

During their creation, I realised that the sun has been a recurring symbol for me since my childhood. I remembered designing something similar in my teens that was chosen to be made into a tiled mosaic sculpture at my school; and later in my twenties getting a sun tattoo on my foot. I am drawn to this shape.

I started from scratch with lino prinitng earlier this year and had wanted to give it a go for ages. I really let my inner creatrix take over on this one. I found so much joy in the process and learnt a lot through the mistakes and triumphs.

Black sun printed onto fabric

Originally I had planned to print the whole design including the faces. I loved the hand-embroidered element so much on my original hangings that I had a go at incorporating the two mediums. I am so happy with how they have turned out! I think the balance of bolder shapes and finer details really makes them. It's that extra hand-made touch that mass-producing big brands just can't match.

Though I confess that it bothered me at first: the irregularity of the prints, the little imperfections. But I am learning to embrace the non-uniformity of my work. This really is the beauty of them. You are guaranteed to receive something unique. It's all in the imperfections: the seeds still visible in the fabric, the unbleached natural cotton, the creases, the 'bonus' marks from the lino print that have a mind of their own.

I cannot wait to experiment with different types of ink, colours, rollers and lino carvings in the months to come. Watch this space!

Materials and tools:

Essdee softcut lino

Carving tool

Blockcraft fabric paint


Natural cotton calico

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